We look forward to seeing you in Orlando at #IACOGOP!
2024 Preliminary Agenda
The 2024 International Assembly will be a memorable experience for all who attend! Hopefully, you will join us in person! If you are unable to attend in person, be sure to join us virtually! Either way…you will be blessed!

Start Planning!
Make the most of your IA experience! Start planning now! Utilize the preliminary outline below to ensure you do not miss any of the exciting sessions.
Keynote speakers, featured workshops, business sessions…these are just a few of the items you won’t want to miss!
Schedule | Horario | Horaire
All main sessions are held in the Rosen Shingle Creek Convention Center in Gatlin Ballroom.
9:00 AM
Opening Song by Assembly Worship Team
Official Opening of 102nd International Assembly
Worship by Assembly Worship Team
Opening Challenge
Prayer for Assembly Business Session and Committees
10:30 AM
Business Reports
Finance Director’s Report
Corporate Board
Finance and Stewardship Committee
Biblical Doctrine and Polity Committee
2:00 PM
Business Continues
Doors Open at 6:00 p.m.
7:00 PM
Opening Celebration with Parade of Nations
Assembly Expense Offering
Introduction of Evening Speaker
Worship by Assembly Worship Team
Sermon: The Mission of God
8:30 AM
Candidates for ordination and their spouses are to meet their National/Regional/State Bishop in the Green Room.
9:00 AM
Morning Prayer
Worship by Assembly Worship Team
9:30 AM
Business Continues
10:45 AM
Bishop Ordination Service
Challenge to Newly Ordained Bishops
2:00 PM
Workshop Session One
3:30 PM
Workshop Session Two
Doors Open at 6:00 p.m.
6:30 PM
Presession Concert
7:00 PM
Opening Song by Assembly Worship Team
Welcome and Introduction of Fraternal Guests
Fraternal Delegate Greeting
Assembly Expenses Offering
Special Music
Introduction of Evening Speaker
Worship by Assembly Worship Team
Sermon: Passion for the Mission
9:00 AM
Morning Prayer
Worship by Assembly Worship Team
9:45 AM
Opening Song by Assembly Worship Team
Leadership Session, Guest Presenter
12:00 PM
Mission Encounter
Doors Open at 6:00 p.m.
6:30 PM
Presession Concert
7:00 PM
Opening Song by Assembly Worship Team
100 Year Celebration: The White Wing Messenger
Assembly Expenses Offering
Special Music
Introduction of Speaker
Worship by Assembly Worship Team
Healing Testimonies
Sermon: On Mission to Serve
Prayer for Healing
9:00 AM
Morning Prayer
Worship by Assembly Worship Team
9:45 AM
Worship by Assembly Worship Team
Special Music
Presiding Bishop’s Biennial Address, Bishop Tim Coalter
2:00 PM
Caribbean Celebration
Hispanic Celebration
Doors Open at 6:00 p.m.
6:30 PM
Presession Concert
7:00 PM
Opening Song by Assembly Worship Team
Assembly Expenses Offering
Special Music
Introduction of Speaker
Worship by Assembly Worship Team
Sermon: On Mission to Heal / Healing Service
9:00 AM
Morning Prayer
9:45 AM
Worship by Assembly Worship Team
Mission Church Awards and Recognition
Special Music
Closing Challenge by Presiding Bishop Tim Coalter
Moments of Honor
Special Recognitions
Consecration and Commissioning